Is Baltics in Space in You?
Humans are at the age of space now. A country's space capacity is its means to sustain itself. The Baltic region has excellent scientific training, with unique and strong skill sets but it lacks the competitive applications. Baltics in Space can bind together the variety of existing skill sets in the Baltic region to make your space project a success.

Challenge Baltics in Space!
The philosophy of the nonprofit organisation: Baltics in Space is to Inventory, Identify, and Integrate with a sprinkling of Inspiration to build a space product greater than the sum of its parts. Our best resource in the space business is people. With an eye to strengthening the triple helix links (Industry, Education, Research), our outcomes are integrating Baltic-wide space events, catalogs of skill-sets for prospective users, Baltic space project development with distributed teams and Baltic space education.
Identifying Baltic Space Skillsets
Where are the skill sets you seek for building cubesats? Where are the skill sets you seek for advanced multi-spectral land surveys? For satellite and debris tracking? Planetary radio interferometry? We know where the pockets of skill sets lie.
1) Baltic Space Facilities booklet
2) Baltic Space Facilities Videos @ YouTube.
Baltic Space Collaborations

Identifying Baltic Space Skillsets

Baltic Space Facility Support

Baltic Space Education

Baltic Space Collaborations
We can be the glue to bind your Baltic-wide space need.
Have you wondered: Why aren't the three Baltic country collaborations tighter? A 5m YouTube video answer. Shorter answer: Language.
Project 1. Baltics in Space "BinS" had a key coordinating role for the Local Organizing Committee of the European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2017 Riga, September 17-22. The BinS Local Organizing was Successful
Project 2. ELLF submitted to H2020 SwafS. (Apr 2, 2019). Negative result. ELLF v. 2 submitted April 23, 2020 with Lessons Learned and considerably broader objectives and an updated team.
BinS' Next Projects ?
Project 3. Book: Building Good Collaborative Practices: A Handbook for Eastern and Central Europe. Project for the European Commission Latvia Representation Office
Project 4. The Pi Pollution Detector. Accelerator ready.
Project 5. BaltiCube, a three country CubeSat celebration.
Individual Project Support

BiS is experienced in listening to communities, researchers, and policy makers and conceptualizing projects to meet those needs in grant proposalsl Our specialties are providing the Big Picture concept.
Dr. Graps is an expert evaluator for the EC, NASA, and DLR. If you need project evaluation, due dilligence, space policy review, society indicator evaluations, or other large project evaluation support, please contact us!

BiS' Projects in Development
Earth is a planet too, with needs that turns our gaze from outwards to inwards. Our current projects in development show how our going beyond space brings us back to our home planet.
Baltic Space Facility Support
How ? For a sustainable future, we can help you: Build strong projects which integrate several of the space facilities with triple helix partners. Then we can help you find funding for a team of expert grant proposal writers or for a team of crowd-sourcing projects.
See our facility support successes @ EPSC 2017 Riga
Baltic Space Education
Our youth love space! Our later-youth lose interest in science when they can't apply their education to inspirational activities like space. We can be the bridge to space activities for our youth to follow STEM careers.
Up to June 2019, 15,000 Latvian young have visited the Space Exhibits built by Zinoo and coordinated by Baltics in Space.
We are in the third year of involvement in the Interreg SpaceTEM project to mentor Estonian and Latvian young people on our two countries hardware and on entrepreneurial skillsets.
Booklet: Baltic Space Facilities. Competencies
Booklet !
A deep collaboration between Baltics in Space, the Baltic space facilities, the Latvian Investment Agency, the European Commission Latvia Representation office and editors and a graphics designer created this beautiful booklet in 2017. Eight-hundred copies were handed out to participants at the European Planetary Science Congress 2017 Riga, during the week of September 17-22. The PDF of that booklet is here. Read the Introduction.
Future versions of this booklet will be all-digital with embedded links to facility information. We aim for this document to be an up-to-date resource for Baltic Sea Region space workers.

We cherish our personal client relationships. Email inquiries will give us time to give your inquiry thought. If you have an urgent matter to discuss, then, by all means, please get in contact by phone.
Association "Baltics in Space" is registered in Latvia,
Nr. 50008262271.
Photo by Anrijs Požarskis